Bibby is a good player, and he should help, but the Hawks need more than a point guard. But they don't need players as much as they need a new front office.
First of all, they need a new coach. All season long, Mike Woodson has had trouble getting the team focused. And after the Hawks came back from the All-Star break, they should have been refreshed. The team should have been pumped with their new point guard. In theory, it should have been a coming out party- especially against the Lakers. If the Hawks found a way to just compete against the Lakers, it would have sent up red flags to the rest of the Eastern Conference. Instead, its the same 'ol Hawks.
The team needs a coach that can get them focused and Mike Wood isn't that man.
And who is responsible for this motley crew of players and this horrible coach? General Manager Billy Knight. A man so horrible with the media his recent silence has been refreshing. Before that, all he did was tell the city why he is such a basketball expert and why he shouldn't be questioned.
But he should be. Take a look at his record. He passed on Deron Williams, Chris Paul and Brandon Roy. He drafted Sheldon Williams with the number 4 overall pick. He signed Speedy Claxton to a max-money deal. Claxton, as you know, has been a bust. He has made no impact, mostly because he has spent more time in a suit than in a uniform.
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